Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Love Reading for "Anonymous" Visitor

An anonymous lurker comes out of the shadows with a question for Miss Michele.

She writes:

Please could you shed some light into the situation I have got myself into and if Pete and I will get back together?

Miss Michele threw the standard, three-card, past/near future/outcome spread.

The Five of Wands in the past indicates a battle of wills, one upmanship. Neither of you wants to let go and admit you were wrong.

However, the Eight of Swords came up, reversed, in the near future. It reveals that you will be released from these feelings of pride or possibly guilt. You will be the one who feels free to let go of pride and recognize that love is stronger. You feel as if there's nothing you can do about the situation, but that's not true. Don't let him control what you know is meant to be.

Take a few steps back, try to reach a compromise, look at it from a more balanced, impartial point of view. This is what the Outcome, Justice, is telling us.

The Major Arcana indicates a significant change in the relationship--possibly a reconciliation. Justice will be served, you'll receive what is rightfully yours. The road to reconciliation being with an apology, an attempt to make things right. If you were wronged, you will receive any apology and correction if you open yourself up to it. Otherwise, step up and do what is right.

Lots of luck! :D


Anonymous said...

I need a Love reading. will i get back with my old Love

Anonymous said...

There are lots of compatibility tests and reports, zodiac signs love, and Chinese/western horoscope compatibility out there to help us out in our decisions in our love life. We must remember though, that at the end of the day, it would still be our choice to do or choose a certain path or decisions. This things like this are only for guides and should be choose to follow it or not depending on our interpretations is entirely up to us.