Sunday, January 27, 2008

Three of Cups...

Miss Michele isn't trying to work her way through the deck in order, but the Three of Cups is today's daily throw!

Today's energy, once again, will focus on celebration and relaxation, although I know I want to finish up several projects in order to be able to focus on interviews on Monday.

It makes sense, as I can practically feel the love in the house this weekend--we are just enjoying each other's company, not talking a lot, just liking the chance to be in the same room together on our respective computers.

Since today's entry is short, I want to remind everyone that time is running out to get your 13-card reading for 2008 at the special discounted price of $10. Miss Michele will introduce a new special for February shortly!


Anonymous said...

This is Auria from AW. As I mentioned in your other blog, I enjoy reading your blogs because one of my characters is a psychic.

If you accept paypal, I'll take you up on your $10 discount. How does it work? Do you email me the reading? Let me know.

Dawn said...

Hi, Auria,

If you want a private reading, I can do that and will send it to the address you use through Paypal.

But I'd love permission to post it here, and if you don't tell me otherwise, that's what I would do.

For more information and to order, look on the sidebar where it includes pricing and an easy "pay now" button (through Paypal.)

Thanks so much! I look forward to doing your reading!

Anonymous said...


I just made payment and yes you can post the reading on your blog.

Rebecca Laffar-Smith said...

Hi again, Miss Michele :-), I'm addicted to your readings. I've got a whole new query and I'd love to hear what your cards have to say.

I recently began contemplating an interesting move. It would only be a few blocks away, into the house my mother is about to leave. I'm far from completely decided, would it be a wise move? Does it make sense to sell the house I am currently in?

Thanks for your input, I'm looking forward to sharing what comes up in the cards.