Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Today's tarot card was no surprise to Miss Michele.


Deadlines hang in the balance--it's true! The card also indicates a restoration of balance, and a clear cut decision.

It also indicates an apology may arise... this makes sense for reasons Miss Michele can't reveal.

Finally, the card shows that an important decision must be considered carefully and, perhaps, ultimately made. Each tarot card Miss Michele has drawn, of late, speaks to this theme. Not surprising.

To quote Stephen Schwartz' Wicked, "It's time to trust my instinct, close my eyes, and leap!"


Virginia Lee said...

I'm very nosy so I want to know what your decision's about, but I don't expect you to reveal such. :D

I got to know a very dear friend of mine over tarot cards. After 17 years of craziness for both of us, I'm happy to say we're still in touch at least once a week and tell each other the truth when no one else will.

Shuffle those cards, hon, and draw one or three out for me, Virginia Lee. Let's see what they have to say . . .

Dawn said...

Miss Michele can't talk about the apology, but I can speak about the decision...

The decision is whether to move forward as the editor/owner of RECON or leave the paintball industry and continue to make my living freelancing in other places--where magazines mail checks on time and actually respond to freelancers e-mails.

Of course, I can have the best of both worlds--editing RECON while focusing on other venues for my work, as well.

I've been struggling with this decision since I got the offer to run RECON, back in June.

I'm going to do it. Paintball is a wierd little world, and I'd miss it too much if I left it entirely. :)

Now, Virginia Lee, is there a specific question or an area you'd like to focus on? Miss Michele is GOOD--but narrowing it down to at least on area will increase the odds you find out what you want to know from the reading. :)

plaid said...

Go for it, Virginia Lee, you'll be surprised how accurate it is! My reading was great, and I did get an intro into some new writing work because of being prepared.

Virginia Lee said...

Ah, but I have too many questions, Miss Michelle.

Let us focus on matters of career, timing, and completion.

Is now the time for me to be focusing on my writing and will such come to fruition before too horribly long?

Heh. How's that? ;)

Dawn said...

GREAT to hear that! I was wondering. :)AND congrats!!

Virginia Lee, please forgive the delay. I will have the reading done a bit later today. :)

Frank Baron said...

"...where magazines mail checks on time and actually respond to freelancers e-mails."


Time to WAKE UP!


Dawn said...

LOL, Frank. No, really, it does happen.

You just have to choose your markets carefully. :)

Virginia Lee said...


*runs away laughing*

Hilary said...

I followed the link in your comment on Frank's blog and was happily reading when your comment came in on my blog. I think I hear the Twilight Zone theme playing now!

Very interesting idea for a blog. I'll keep peeking in. :)

Dawn said...

That's awesome, Hilary, thanks! Yes, I went directly to your blog after Frank's plug. I like it, esp. the adorable characters and the hide-the-mole game. :)