Friday, January 18, 2008

Five of Pentacles, the Magician

Proving that the Tarot is "on" even when the reader isn't, my card for today needed little interpretation. After staying on the phone with a friend for about two hours last night--and losing track of my alcohol intake while I chatted--this morning's throw gave me the Five of Pentacles. I commented to a friend that the guy on the card, with the crutches, bandage on his head and his arm in a sling, described how I felt!

It passed, as those things do, and I drew another card for this evening, as the day was divided by very different and distinct energies. The Magician. I certainly feel as if I'm back to my old self, and got some significant work done on this blog.
I have to interpret the Magician as my "mastery" of limited HTML. I actually got the buttons to go where I wanted them to, and the pics don't look half bad.

What do you think of the new organization? Is it easier to place orders and have all your questions answered?

A new skin is next... Is it time for the pink to go?

1 comment:

Arachne Jericho said...

I don't mind the pink, at least. :)

New skins are always cool to play around with, though.