Friday, January 18, 2008

Nancy's Career Question

Nancy, who runs an informative writer's blog over at Writerly Stuff, wants to know about her financial state in the new year.

Miss Michele, 2007 was a horrible year, personally and financially. It's the financial part that has me discouraged. Hubby hasn't worked in almost a year, and, well, my job isn't paying enough (especially with living expenses so high). Plus, the company I work for was just recently bought out, so my job isn't too secure (I'll add here that I had to take a fairly big loan on my 401k and needs to be paid back, and that's scaring me even more). I've tinkered with the idea of doing freelancing on a part-time basis, but I'm not sure I have any skills or ideas that someone will pay me for. So...three things: Will I keep my job, or will I have to look for a new one? Should I go into freelancing? Will I bring in enough extra money to pay off the 401k and pay off a major chunk of our credit card debt? Sorry for the ramble. I look forward to your reading - and thank you!

That's a lot for three cards to reveal, so Miss Michele will ask the tarot: "What is in the future, career-wise, for Nancy?"

The cards indicate 2008 will not be as bad as Nancy fears. The card in the past, Strength, is one of Miss Michele's favorite Major Arcanas, showing that Nancy weathered the storm with incredible inner strength. She doesn't realize it, but she has the self-confidence, power, patience and faith to improve her situation. The eight shows the end of a cycle to make way for new growth.

In the Near Future, we see the situation that is ending in the Knight of Swords. Swords show sudden, tumultuous change. New people may be coming into your life with new opportunities. (That's a good thing!) But beware of "quick fixes" for your problems. Don't be tempted by a scam. If it looks too good to be true, it probably is. Now I'm sure Nancy won't get bamboozled by Publish America, but beware of temptations more subtle that look like a way out of debt.

This card also indicates Nancy's forthrightness. When she wants something, she goes after it, and this will work in her favor.

The Outcome could not be better: The Nine of Cups. The jolly fellow on the "wish card" arrives to tell us that all Nancy's worries will be assuaged. She will get what she needs.

Unsatisfied with the conclusion, Miss Michele draws one more card, asking, will there be a career change for Nancy?

It looks like a new job opportunity will come about, with the Page of Swords. There is an emphasis on creativity, paperwork, inspiration and creative writing. I can't say Nancy will leave her job, but she will definitely pursue her writing with a new vigor, and, in conjunction with the Nine of Cups, I'll go so far as to say she'll see income from the endeavor.


Nancy Beck said...

Miss Michele,

Thank you SO, SO much! I'm actually going to print this out and carry it with me whenever I need a confidence boost. :-)

And, no, no need to worry about me getting ensnared by PublishAmerica, but I will be careful to really research any freelancing stuff, ebooks, whatever, I come across.

Thanks again! :-)

Dawn said...

I've done that with tarot readings--and inspirational/complimentary e-mails from editors--before!

I'm honored that you'll be using my post as inspiration throughout the year! :)

Please come back and share your success stories with us!