Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2008 Quarterly Update

Back on December 28, 2007, Miss Michele did a 13-card reading for 2008. Now that the year is 1/4 of the way over (can you believe it's spring already?) let's look back and see how she's done so far...

The year begins with the Three of Pentacles, an emphasis on work and learning in January. This card shows a financial endeavor off to a good start. With new bookkeeping and tracking software and a clear vision and goals for 2008, this card makes a lot of sense already. Miss Michele may also undertake a small home renovation project, such as painting.

Miss Michele had a very productive month in January, so it's safe to say this reading was true. Except for the home renovation--that may have been wishful thinking!

February's card warns Miss Michele to rest or she will once again fall ill. The Ten of Swords indicates forced rest or illness, as well as the possibility of a friend's betrayal, which will, in turn, make me extremely weary and tired, and perhaps even physically ill.

This card scared Miss Michele when she pulled it back in December. She got the impression the illness would be more serious than a cold or flu. Well, she discovered on January 30 that she was pregnant. Most of February was spent lying on the couch with the laptop, fighting off queasiness and fatigue. Everything was an effort... easily, the worst this tarot reader has ever felt!

Things get better in March with the Two of Cups. Either I will reconcile with the friend from February, or things will get a lot better in terms of career and business partnerships. Things with RECON may begin to come to fruition in terms of profitability as we complete our third issue under new ownership. This one will be on time and as close to perfect as three people can make a magazine!

This month's card came true on both counts. Admittedly, I knew in December I was having issues with a close friend. Through a series of e-mails and a few phone discussions, we finally cleared things up in March. Also, around March 20, morning sickness subsided and I started to feel better.

Let's skip ahead to October... with an odd little card that Miss Michele wasn't sure how to interpret at the time:

October brings the Page of Cups. Could indicate news of a birth or a wedding.

This card confused me at the time of the reading, but this one little sentence may have been my most accurate reading to date! My estimated due date is October 2.

Would you like your own reading from Miss Michele? Three-card spreads are free, with a variety of other spreads available at low prices to fill your specific needs. (See sidebar for ordering information.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi "Miss Michele"
You have been recommended to my as I am interested in a receiving a 3 card free Tarot Reading.
My name is Stephanie and I am 53. I feel particularly unsettled at the moment and would like some guidence. Do you need any other details about me? Cheers Stephanie