Saturday, April 5, 2008

Unsettled Stephanie Seeks Guidance

Hi Miss Michele,
You have been recommended to me, as I am interested in a receiving a 3 card free Tarot Reading.
My name is Stephanie and I am 53. I feel particularly unsettled at the moment and would like some guidence. Do you need any other details about me?

Let's see what the cards have to say, Stephanie. That should be enough information to give you some insight into your situation. But Miss Michele is wondering who offered the recommendation. Can you say?

Unsettled, indeed!! The first card, in the past, is the Three of Swords. This card typical indicates a romantic break-up, but it can also indicate another great loss--children leaving for college (empty nest syndrome), loss of a job, family, best friend... perhaps a move that has taken you away from family, friends and everything you love? Whatever the specifics of the situation, the emotions are running strong. You've hit rock bottom with this somewhat unexpected change. Even if you saw it coming, it was worse than you imagined it would be.

The next card, the Nine of Pentacles, shows your need to be self-reliant now. At the same time, you are trying to get in touch with your nurturing side again--with no one left to nurture. However, you WILL find peace and will realize you CAN make it alone. Changing your personal space, with home renovations (however small) can help. You may also be undergoing a professional endeavor where you are working for yourself and doing very well...but that doesn't alleviate the loneliness.

The Final Outcome, I'm sorry to say, shows more of the same for a while... the Two of Swords shows you are at an impasse. A reconciliation may be possible, but first, you
must remove the blindfold from your eyes and see the truth. Accept things as what they are, not what you wish they could be, and you will be free to move forward. A truce *is* possible, but you must first face the storm. You have a very nurturing soft side, don't be afraid to let it out right now. Yes, that has hurt you in the past, but it's worth the risk. You will solve this matter through heart, not intellect.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can clarify further. I hope this helps. My thoughts are with you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Miss Michele,

Thank you for being so prompt with my request.

I have cleared sharing my daughter, ID you it is Rebecca.

You are particularly spot on with your reading.

I have moved home into my new husbands house and it doesn't feel like home. He has all his stuff and my stuff is not needed so I am getting rid of most of it. I just didn't realize how we make a house 'our home' with OUR own nick knacks.

Oddly enough your first card shows a romantic break-up. I feel I have lost a boyfriend but I haven't gained a husband. Even though we are now living in the same house I see less of him then when he was visiting me in my home. I have indeed lost my financial security since he had me sign a pre-nup, so while I have given up my home, his house will never be a home for me. Moving house for me was difficult as my son, who has died, always helped me move so I am faced with the resurfacing of my grieving, again. Although my daughter has been a tower of strength. I hope you are right about hitting rock bottom as I still feel like I am in freefall. You are right that I did see it coming but it is indeed a whole lot worse living through it than expecting it.

The next card you are also spot on with as I HAVE found that I have to take care of myself emotionally as well as financially. It would be nice to stay home and keep house but my future is no longer secure so I am continuing working, at least until I win the lotto. I have found that making a quiet corner in this house that I can feel is my own space has helped. And my daughter and I have a financial venture that we are cooking up at the moment, so that is keeping my head afloat, emotionally, so to speak. And my darling daughter is fabulous, but it's not the same as the dream I had for having a husband. The loneliness and lack of intimacy were totally unexpected.

The final outcome doesn't surprise me, as I can't see this situation changing any time soon. I've realized that while I had a 'dream' about how it would be, this IS how it is. Now I've got to make the most of it. There is no going back, now we are married. You will be glad to know that I am getting help from a professional marriage guidance counsellor. But we can only work with what we have and make the best of that.

I was advised to get plenty of self tlc. So I have taken myself to the movies, etc. I’ve been following my heart up to now so there is no point in changing that rudder.

Once again thank you for your very generous time that you have so willingly and very promptly given.
Cheers Stephanie

Dawn said...

Based on that third card, the marriage counselor should help!

It's soo interesting you mentioned a venture with your daughter! I did a private reading for Rebecca yesterday as well (and yes, she's a darling!) and the first card, her card in the past, was the two of Hearts, which, in that reading, I interpreted to be a business venture, but there was a lot of *love* there, too. NOW it makes complete sense to me!

Come back anytime and know that I will be praying for you and your situation!

Lots of love!