Monday, April 7, 2008

Nine of Swords, Not a Good Day for Miss Michele

I started out today's card of the day reading with a straightforward question: Will I be successful in completing some of my work today?

The forecast is not good, but certainly reflects my mood. I've had a bad case of the "blahs" since Sunday afternoon. I'm not sure why. It could be because the temperature plummeted from mid-60s on Saturday to 40s on Sunday, and it's been quite overcast. I am so done with this weather! I want spring, nay, SUMMER, already!

The card of the day is the Nine of Swords, the Nightmare card. This doesn't portend the disaster that it could, it simply means I will have an unproductive day... unless I take action to change that.

I need to stop letting my worries about completing my work, well, stop me from completing my work. Makes sense, doesn't it?

I need to clear off my desk and apply some good old-fashioned BIC (Butt-in-Chair) exercises if I have any hope of catching up.

I asked the Tarot for some advice on how best to do this. I drew The Lovers. Simply make a decision, and do it. Choose which project to tackle, forget about the rest, and move forward. Sounds easy enough, right?

Check back tomorrow to see how I did with that!


Rebecca Laffar-Smith said...

So, how DID you do with that? ;-)

Thank you so much for the private reading you gave me the other day. I really love the insight and rightness you always seem to share with your readings.

I'd love some relationship insight at the moment. I'm not sure how to phrase a question so I guess general guidance would be great. What can I expect out of my relationship and how should I handle the coming months?

Thank you!

Dawn said...

Not good, actually, but thanks for asking! I kind of gave up... I *chose* to not get the work done on Monday, but did clean my desk off, get organized, and, on Tuesday, had a very productive day.

Wednesday--eh. LOL But today is going to be good. :)
