Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Editorial Dilemma

Anonymous writes in:

Miss Michele,

I've been trying to get extra money freelancing - emailed several sources between April 1-7 and heard back from one editor who gave me an assignment and needed the freelancers to dig up sources for the story, which I did and I emailed her April 11 and again April 14. Still no reply. this could mean a lot of money and I could really use it. What should I do? Thank you in advance.

First, Miss Michele offers her apologizes for being as absent and uncommunicative as the editor in question! We were expecting to have Web access during vacation, but found ourselves without it. (And enjoying the situation! LOL)

You couldn't ask for a better spread when asking about a new career opportunity!! I phrased the question as, "What will be so for our writer friend in regard to this assignment?"

The first card, indicating the past or heart of the matter is the Nine of Cups, the Wish card. This card indicates how badly you want this job and how you viewed this opportunity as a dream-come-true.

The near future is the Wheel of Fortune--this major arcana tells us that things will change, to your benefit, shortly!

The Ace of Rods shows us the final outcome--Rods, or wands, mean things are moving quickly, and the ace indicates a new beginner, the start of a new venture.

This combination of positive cards also tells me that you have made the right choice to pursue freelance writing and can look forward to a lucrative career in the long term.

Now, if you don't hear from the editor shortly, this combination could mean that *another* opportunity will arise, right when you least expect it. This is what my instincts are saying as a reader. I just don't believe the opportunity will be with this editor, but another door will be opening for you--and soon! Things will change unexpectedly, a reversal of fortune, as indicated by the Wheel. Keep your eyes open, continue pressuring Editor #1, but not at the expense of pursuing other opportunities. In either event, wherever the opportunity comes from, it will be long-term and lucrative. Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Michele.
You were recommended to me by a friend and since I'm at a lost, I thought I should ask for your help. I've known my best friend for almost ten years now and I honestly don't know when I fell in love with him. About three years back, before I left for college I wrote him a letter asking him to tell me how he felt, and he told me that he didn't feel the same. Since it's been so long and my feelings are not fading in the slightest... I was hoping to get some idea on where to go from here since we're going to be taking Nursing together in the falls, every class, carpooling and everything. Thank you for your help, and I apologize if this is too long.