Friday, April 11, 2008

Rebecca's Relationship Question

Rebecca Laffar-Smith writes:

Thank you so much for the private reading you gave me the other day. I really love the insight and rightness you always seem to share with your readings.
I'd love some relationship insight at the moment. I'm not sure how to phrase a question so I guess general guidance would be great. What can I expect out of my relationship and how should I handle the coming months?

Miss Michele admits, I did a throw yesterday for this question, with my Moon Garden deck. It didn't "feel" right. I have done so many readings for you, it appears you have your own deck in my collection; the Hanson-Roberts works best for the connection between us.

It would seem, however, your gut instincts are correct... the relationship in its current form is not working. The past shows the Ace of Swords, a card of strength and powerful intellect. You made a strong connection with this person, and the relationship started off strong... more as an intellectual connection than "true love" however. You may have also both spent so much time analyzing the negative points of the relationship and the challenges ahead that you blocked "the good stuff."

The near future shows your state of mine, in the Nine of Swords. With all the turmoil in your life right now, your relationship is just another thing adding to your sleepless nights! Additionally, your worries may not be as bad as they seem. (Across the board.)

Before looking at the Final Outcome, Miss Michele drew another card, signifying "Advice." Miss Michele knows what *she* wants to suggest, but this is a tarot reading, not counseling. :) The Tarot's Advice comes in the form of the Major Arcana, the Star. While the three minor arcana in the initial reading would indicate the choice is entirely in your hands, the Star is supporting this assertion: Trust your instincts. If you think this isn't going anywhere, change it! The cards don't seem to be saying dismiss it entirely, but the current course of action is not working.

The final outcome, if you don't make any changes, according to the tarot, is the Five of Cups, the card of emotional poverty. However, while it may look bad--you may be disappointed from the loss, or unhappy and emotionally unfulfilled if you stay, all is not lost. We must release the bad in our life to make way for new, better opportunities. (As you know well!) Allow yourself to feel the grief over the loss of this relationship, but know that better things are on the horizon.

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